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 math hunter

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Master Djibor

Nombre de messages : 850
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

math hunter Empty
MessageSujet: math hunter   math hunter EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 15:19

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=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= General =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

1 Stamina gives 10 Hit Points
1 Strength gives 1 Melee Attack Power (MAP)
1 Intellect gives 15 Mana
1 Spirit gives 1/4 Mana per 5 seconds - Spirit regen only happens if you have not used any ability requiring mana the last 5 seconds.
1 Agility gives 1 MAP, 1 Ranged Attack Power (RAP), 2 Armor, and some Crit and Dodge.
1 Weapon Skill gives 0.04% Crit, and 0.24% Hit*

Citation :
Level 60 Level 70

1% Crit gained from 14 -> 22.08 Crit Rating

1% Crit gained from 33.33 -> 40 Agility

1% Hit gained from 10 -> 15.77 Hit Rating

1% Haste gained from 10 -> 15.77 Haste Rating

1% Dodge gained from 12 -> 18.92 Dodge Rating

1% Dodge gained from 20 -> 25 Agility

1% Parry gained from 20 -> 31.54 Parry Rating

1 Weapon Skill gained from 2.5 -> 3.94 Weapon Skill Rating

*Not confirmed, but tests before the 2.0.1 patch have lead to these values. The changes for Melee Weapon Skill might have had an impact on ranged Weapon Skill.
Currently, base Crit% and Dodge% ingame are calculated using the wrong numbers.

14 (R)AP gives a damage bonus equal to 1 DPS. The actual damage bonus per attack depends on weapon speed. Note that this is before things like haste effects (quiver / ammo pouch, Rapid Fire, etc). In the case of Multi-Shot and Aimed Shot, the Attack Power contribution is normalized. This will be explained further under Shots.

Haste effects work like this:
HastedSpeed = WeaponSpeed / (1+Haste%)
So, with a 2.9 weapon and a 15% quiver, you get:
HastedSpeed = 2.9 / (1+15%)
HastedSpeed = 2.9 / 1.15
HastedSpeed = 2.52

Multiple haste effects work like this:
HastedSpeed = WeaponSpeed / ((1+aHaste%)*(1+bHaste%))
So, with a 2.9 weapon and a 15% quiver with Rapid Fire (40% haste) active:
HastedSpeed = 2.9 / ((1+15%)*(1+40%))
HastedSpeed = 2.9 / (1.15*1.40)
HastedSpeed = 1.80

All haste effects affect Aimed Shot casting time.
# Quick Shots (Improved Aspect of the Hawk proc)
# Rapid Fire
# Berserking (Troll racial)
# Serpent's Swiftness
# Kiss of the Spider

These all stack like described above.

Whenever you make a ranged attack, you have a chance of the following:
# Miss
# Crit
# Hit

The above all have a chance to happen, based on your and your target's stats.
In terms of damage dealt, Crit = 2*Hit
With 5/5 Mortal Shot: Crit = 2.3*Hit
With 3/3 Slaying: Crit = 2.3*Hit*1.03
Base miss rate against an equal leveled target is 5%.
Against a level 63 mob you have 8.6% miss rate.

If you have 20% Crit rate, and no +Hit% against an equal leveled target, you'll have the following attack results:
5% missed shots
20% crits
75% hits

If you gain 1% Hit, you'll have the following:
4% missed shots (5% - 1%, hit eats miss)
20% crits
76% hits (75% + 1%)

If you then gain 1% Crit, you'll have the following:
4% missed shots
21% crits (20% + 1%)
75% hits (76% - 1%, crit eats hit)

Dernière édition par le Jeu 25 Jan - 17:55, édité 2 fois
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Master Djibor

Nombre de messages : 850
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

math hunter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: math hunter   math hunter EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 15:20

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Shots =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Paperdoll damage is calculated like this:
MinimumDamage = DamagePercentageBonus*(AmmoDPSLow*WeaponSpeed + RWSMod*((RAP/14)*WeaponSpeed + WeaponMinimumDamage) + ScopeDamage)
MaximumDamage = DamagePercentageBonus*(AmmoDPSHigh*WeaponSpeed + RWSMod*((RAP/14)*WeaponSpeed + WeaponMaximumDamage) + ScopeDamage)
Paperdoll DPS = ((MinimumDamage + MaximumDamage)/2)/HastedSpeed

The Paperdoll damage is your damage to a generic enemy before armor is applied. If you have any items adding damage to only some types of mobs (for example Seal of the Dawn, +81 AP against undead, or one of the Slaying talents), this is not added in the Paperdoll. It is added in the other shots, if applicable.

Basically the same as Paperdoll damage, with the mob-specific things added in where applicable. However, unlike the Paperdoll, ammo does seem to be affected by Ranged Weapon Specialization ingame. Most likely, ScopeDamage is as well.

AutoShotDamage = DamagePercentageBonus*RWSMod*(AmmoDPS*WeaponSpeed + (RAP/14)*WeaponSpeed + WeaponDamage + ScopeDamage)

Instant shot, 6 second cooldown. Cooldown can be reduced to 5 seconds with 5 talent points in Improved Arcane Shot. Arcane Shot deals Arcane Damage, and its (partial) resist rates seem to be based on your Weapon Skill, resulting in a 2% total DPS loss per Level your target outlevels you. Other than that, it works by the same rules as your other shots.
Since it deals Arcane Damage, anything boosting damage from the Arcane spell school, for example Curse of Shadows, will boost Arcane Shot's damage. This does not, however, include +Spelldamage or +Arcane damage.

As of 2.0.6:
ArcaneShotDamage = DamagePercentageBonus*RWSMod*(ArcaneShotBonus + RAP*0.15)

ArcaneShotBonus depends on rank used:
Rank 1 = +14
Rank 2 = +22
Rank 3 = +36
Rank 4 = +64
Rank 5 = +91
Rank 6 = +125
Rank 7 = +158
Rank 8 = +200
Rank 9 = +273 [TBC ONLY]

A shot with a 0.5 casting time, 10 seconds cooldown. It can hit up to 3 targets at a time.
Multi-Shot is normalized to have its damage from Attack Power be as if the weapon were a 2.8 speed weapon.
Attack Power normalization was made to not horridly favor slower weapons over fast ones.

MultiShotDamage = DamagePercentageBonus*RWSMod*(AmmoDPS*WeaponSpeed + (RAP/14)*2.8 + WeaponDamage + ScopeDamage + MultiShotBonus)

DamageBonus here also includes Barrage.
MultiShotBonus depends on rank used.
Rank 1 = 0
Rank 2 = +40
Rank 3 = +80
Rank 4 = +120
Rank 5 = +150

A shot with a 3.5 second casting time (effected by hastes), 6 + HastedSpeed cooldown.
With a 2.9 weapon and 15% quiver, this becomes:
CastingTime = 3.5 / 1.15
CastingTime = 3.04

Cooldown = 6 + 2.9/1.15
Cooldown = 8.52

Aimed Shot is normalized to have its damage from Attack Power be as if the weapon were a 2.8 speed weapon.

AimedShotDamage = DamagePercentageBonus*RWSMod*(AmmoDPS*WeaponSpeed + (RAP/14)*2.8 + WeaponDamage + ScopeDamage + AimedShotBonus)

AimedShotBonus depends on rank used.
Rank 1 = +70
Rank 2 = +125
Rank 3 = +200
Rank 4 = +330
Rank 5 = +460
Rank 6 = +600

An instant shot, 30 second cooldown. Deals damage and adds a disorient effect to the target if possible.
Targets immune to the disorient effect still receive damage as by normal rules.

ScatterShotDamage = AutoShotDamage*0.5

An instant shot, 20 second cooldown. Deals damage and adds a silence effect to the target if possible.
Targets immune to the silence effect still receive damage as by normal rules.

As of 2.0.6:
SilencingShotDamage = AutoShotDamage*0.50

Taught by Hunter trainers at Level 62.
A shot with a 1.5 second casting time (effected by hastes). No cooldown, but global cooldown prevents firing faster than every 1.5 seconds. It deals additional damage if the target is dazed.
Its listed tooltip damage is incorrect.
Testing has given the following formula for its damage range:
DamagePercentageBonus*RWS*(150 + WeaponDamage/WeaponSpeed*2.8 + 0.2*RAP + [Dazed: 175])

AmmoDPSLow / High: For ammo that gives 7.5 DPS, AmmoDPSLow = 7, AmmoDPSHigh = 8. For ammo giving 13 DPS, AmmoDPSLow = AmmoDPSHigh = 13
After Paperdoll, I'll use average damage instead of showing minimum and maximum damage. These are labeled AmmoDPS, WeaponDamage, etc.
RWSMod = Modifier from Ranged Weapon Specialization (RWS).
0 points in RWS --> RWSMod = 1
1 point in RWS --> RWSMod = 1.01
2 points in RWS --> RWSMod = 1.02
3 points in RWS --> RWSMod = 1.03
4 points in RWS --> RWSMod = 1.04
5 points in RWS --> RWSMod = 1.05
DamagePercentageBonus: Stuff like Focused Fire, Ferocious Inspiration, etc. These stack multiplicatively, and are written like RWSMod (a 2% increase --> 1.02)

TBC ONLY = Only attainable if you have the expansion pack, The Burning Crusade, installed.

The rest should be pretty self-explanatory, but ask if there's any uncertainty.
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Master Djibor

Nombre de messages : 850
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

math hunter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: math hunter   math hunter EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 15:21

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Talents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Ferocious Inspiration stacks from multiple hunters in the same group.
Expose Weakness stacks from multiple hunters attacking the same target.

The interaction between Slaying talents and Mortal Shots:
Mortal Shots increases critical damage by 30% (at 5/5). Humanoid Slaying increases critical damage by 3% (at 3/3).
However, when you have both, it works like this:
CritDamage = HitDamage*1.3*(2+0.30*1.03)
CritDamage = HitDamage*1.3*2.309
Note that HitDamage already includes the 3% damage gain from Humanoid Slaying.
This might be a bug.

Work in progress.

Humanoid Slaying works in PvP if the player isn't shapeshifted.
Yes, Undead players are considered to be Humanoids.
Shapeshifted Druids and Shaman in Wolf Form are considered to be Beasts, and are affected by Beast Slaying.
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Master Djibor

Nombre de messages : 850
Age : 52
Date d'inscription : 07/09/2005

math hunter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: math hunter   math hunter EmptyJeu 25 Jan - 15:21

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Pets =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

# Pets get about 30% of the hunter's stamina added to their stamina.
# Pets get about 35% of the hunter's armor added to their armor.
# Pets get about 22% of the hunter's ranged attack power added to their melee attack power.
# Pets get about 12.5% of the hunter's ranged attack power added to their spell damage.
# Pets get about 40% of the hunter's resistances added to their own resistances.

Exact stats vary slightly based on pet family.
All scaling is based on total stats (after items, buffs, etc) of the hunter.
- Source:

Your pet's Training Points are based on two things, Loyalty Level and Pet Level.

TrainingPoints = PetLevel * (LoyaltyLevel - 1)
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math hunter Empty
MessageSujet: Re: math hunter   math hunter Empty

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